Sunday, January 9, 2011

Check Check... one two

So we off in a couple hours now, the other guys (Chris, March and Greg) are boarding as I write this! Whether that is true or not I don't know, but it sounded dramatic so I wrote it. I leave at 23:30 tonight on an air Namibia chartered jet. Sebastian arrived in Ghana couple days ago to sort out his Nigerian visa. As far as I know we will be in Accra till Monday at least.

Anyway if you plan on following this blog, brace yourself for some terrible spelling and some classic reporting. The only thing saving my spelling now is google Chrome. Keep it sticky.
Don out!


  1. Don...may the winds carry you forward and not back....may the grass blow always in your direction and may the water cleanse your clothes...some wise words for a wise traveler...
    god speed captain
    happy hunting

  2. Because I hate you a little bit - I'm going to correct your spelling: we => we're.

    2nd word Don, 2nd word!

