Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Liberia Sleeping

So, I can’t really comment much on Liberia. We were there for three days and I spent most of it asleep. I’d managed to get the old Malaria, and so was man down. Wrapping myself in a down sleeping bag in the forests of Liberia was a dead giveaway that something was wrong. So, the doctor took charge and we went to the local clinic for a test.  Then, drugged-up on the best quality medicine German taxpayers money can buy, I dazed and slept and Cbaz drove, pretty much all the way to the coast in Greenville. The roads in the East are pretty incredible, just as I pictured it, one road, big potholes and just a wall of green on each side. Its spectacular. The roads take their tolls and are littered with broken down vehicles, people fixing, people waiting to be fixed. We joined them; a severed fuel line left us motionless in the heat and mud. Cbaz doctored the severed tube, while I sweated under the vehicle and got it in and out of place, half an hour no problem. I must say, we’re becoming experts on diesel fuel line systems. The rest of our time was a daze to me, but it seemed to be good. Monrovia streets at night, expensive hotel, Getting visas and then we moved on… I basically slept through Liberia.
We went through to check out SAPO, which is somewhere I definitely intent to go back to. No road access, you hike into this one. 6hr hike in from the one entrance, 45 mins from the other. You take all your own kit and food, take a guide and off you go. Now that sounds like a good time. Highest mammal diversity in the world, and they have some incredible species lists. Yellow backed Duikers, Jentiks duikers, heaps of others including Giant Pangolin (but pangolins don’t really exist so I don’t believe them) Anyone keen?

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